Tomato (Solanum lycopersicicum), is an edible
fruit of the plant solanum lycopersiscum,
commonly known as tomato plant. Tomato plant belong to the nightshade family, solanaceae. Tomato is consumed across
the whole world in diverse ways, such as sauces, tomato drinks, an ingredient
in many dishes, salad, salsa, ketchup, they are also key ingredient in pizza, while
some people consume it raw.
Tomatoes are
consider a fruit or a vegetable because of it use, nutritional value and health
benefits. Tomatoes are dicots plant and can be grown and produce all year round
in a greenhouse system of production.
Tomatoes has
been genetically modified using genetic engineering.
The first commercially
available genetically modified tomato was a variety of tomato named Flavr savr, it was engineered to have a
longer shelf life than the other varieties of tomatoes. Some other varieties were
also modified to increase their resistance to pest and environmental stress,
while some are modified to increase or improve their health benefit to provide
better nutrition.
The highest producer of tomato in the world is
china followed by India, United State and turkey respectively. Tomato contain
some essential nutrients such as Lycopene, vitamin C, potassium folate, vitamin
K etc.
Lycopene that is present in tomato makes tomato
one of the most potent anti-oxidant containing fruit. Lycopene is an important
dietary anti-oxidant which serve as defensive mechanism against oxidative of
low density lipoproteins, which carry cholesterol into the blood stream which
may result to atherosclerosis (The clogging or hardening of arteries and blood
Tomato can
also be referred to as cancer fighting food because of phytonutrient known as
lycopene which is commonly found in tomatoes, but also present in some common
fruit and vegetables. Lycopene is responsible for the red color of tomato,
although not all red fruits and vegetables contain this anti-oxidant.
is very important especially in a world where processed food has eliminated
most of what gives our body the ability to prevent and fight against diseases.
Lycopene reduce the risk of several cancers such as cervical, throat, mouth,
stomach and esophagus. They are very good source of chromium that help maintain
blood sugar levels and are very healthy source of nutrition for diabetics and
weight conscious individuals.
Not only the
tomato taste great but also keep the skin healthy.
It is necessary to increase
the intake of tomatoes as they are rich in lycopene, which is an anti-oxidant
that works as a sun screen from within. These anti-oxidant also make tomato an anti-aging
product as they help in fighting cellular damage.
The acidity
in tomatoes helps in reducing and clearing up your acne such as red pimples. Vitamin
A are commonly found in a lot of acne medicines and tomato is rich in Vitamin
Eye health:
Tomato are rich in lycopene, lutein, and beta carotene, these are powerful
anti-oxidants that have been shown to protect eyes against light-induced
Tomatoes contain
important vitamin like Vitamin A, B, C, E and K which are excellent stimulants
for healthy hair.
This vegetable is highly recommended to fight
osteoporosis and also use in fractures treatment because of its vitamin K
Increase your
intake of tomatoes to live a healthy life.
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