
Showing posts from July, 2018


 HOW TO BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM NATURALLY The immune system is a host defense system comprising many biological structures and processes within an organism that protects the organism against certain disease.  Immune system is essential for our survival. Without an immune system, our body would be open to attack from bacterial, viruses, parasites and more. It is our immune system that keeps us healthy as we drift through a sea of pathogens. Everyone immune is different but, as a general rule it becomes stronger during adulthood, by this time, we have been exposed to more pathogens and developed more immunity. That’s why teens and adult tend to get sick less often than children.     Once an antibody has been produced, a copy remains in the body so that if the same antigen (a pathogen which are found in body of an organisms that generate or elicit the response of an anti-bodies) appears again, it can quickly respond to it and can be dealt with more qu...


                               HEALTH BENEFITS OF COCONUT OIL The coconut ( Cocos nucifera ) is a member of the family Arecaceae and the only species of the genus cocos. The term coconut can refer to the whole coconut palm or the seed, or the fruit, which botanically, is a drupe, not a nut. They are known for their usefulness ranging from food to cosmetics. Coconut oil has several health benefits such as; Hair Care: Coconut oil helps in a healthy growth of hair and gives a shine to those strands. It is also highly effective in reducing protein loss, which if unchecked can lead to various unhealthy qualities in your hair. This is the reason why it is used as a hair care oil, and in the manufacturing of various conditioners and dandruff relief creams. Coconut oil is an excellent conditioner and helps the re-growth process of dam...


MEDICINAL VALUE OF A NEEM TREE The neem tree ( Azadirachta indica ) which is also known as Indian lilac, and Dongoyaro in some parts of Africa. Is a tree in the mahogany family Meliaceae .   Neem tree is a magical evergreen tree (a drought resistant tree), a native of India but gradually spread to many parts of the world over the years. It has been used locally as medicine over thousands of years and over the centuries in pharmaceutical, cosmetics and toiletries. Almost every parts of a neem tree is used for medicine, ranging from root, bark, twigs, seeds and flowers. Neem is considered as a medicinal tree in many areas across the world, including some parts of Middle East, most of sub-Sahara Africa including West Africa, and some parts of India. Some of the uses and health benefits of a neem tree include the following; Beautiful and Glowing skin: Regular use of paste of neem leave on your face gives a better result and addition of cucumber makes the result much b...